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QiD is the perfect tool for mid- to high-end analysts working in complex data warehouse or similar database environments. It is for both business and technology professionals who choose SQL for building queries but who want the full range of powerful features and orther assistance that a modern tool should provide.

There are four broad principles driving QiD:

QiD is designed specifically for the Data Analyst

Many query tools have been built by DBAs and that is their primary audience. Most of the features of such tools are driven by the needs of DBAs. A few of the features happen to be useful to Analysts but only partially and pretty much by accident. QiD is entirely designed and built for the needs of the high-end Data Analyst. Compare the features of the available tools and count how many of the 'top 10' features are designed for the Data Analyst vs how many are driven by DBA needs. It is the community of Data Analysts that uses the Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence capability to deliver value to the organisation. So choose the best tool to enhance the productivity of that community of analysts.

QiD provides a solid foundation of capabilities

It provides pretty much everything for the Data Analsyt that other SQL based database query and reporting tools provide. In most cases it does so with a better flow and extended capabilities.

QiD provides advanced and often unique capabilities

QiD has many features that go far beyond those of other query and reporting tools. With all of the basic, enhanced and advanced features in one tool there is less need to acquire, learn and spread work across a range of tools. This increases productivity, saves money and reduces the chances of errors occurring as data is moved between tools.

QiD works equally with all databases and other data sources

Most organisations have multiple data repositories. Often these will be based on different database vendor products and versions. Even if there is a primary Data Warehouse or similar system, there are often separate other important sources of data and always a need to work with local databases and other data stored in spreadsheets and text files. QiD allows the Data Analyst to work directly with data in whatever system and format it is in. It also allows easy movement of data between systems and for building processes that work in a co-ordinated way cross all of the required sources.

These principles have been put into practice with specific features presented below. All features are designed to both improve the productivity of the data analyst and to reduce the possibility of errors occurring in their work.

  1. Works consistently and provides all features for a range of databases and other data sources: DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, Teradata, Access, Excel, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, Text

  2. Helps in writing queries by providing a very powerful editor with colour syntax highlighting, auto-complete / intellisense, multi-level undo / redo, block commands, statement folding, find / replace, bracket matching etc

  3. Allows collections of queries for a piece of analysis work to be organised in a project structure

  4. Provides multiple ways to view result data without altering and re-running the queries: sorting, filtering, grouping, pivot tables

  5. Allows results to be exported in a variety of formats including Excel, PDF, Text and various image formats. Results can be saved across sessions to allow work to be interrupted and later resumed without losing data or having to re-run queries

  6. Provides chart and report capabilities within the product thus reducing the need to break the analysis work into pieces spread across different products

  7. Allows automated checking of results and conditional processing via a script language. Completely automate complex sequences of queries and test intermediate results to detect errors before the information is passed on

  8. Records the status and outcomes of each step in a process. Standard error handling will halt processing for significant error conditions. The error handling can be modified if desired through parameters and also specific tests in script statements

  9. Provides symbol substitution capability to allow generalised and more easily maintained queries to be created

  10. Helps analysts to understand and use large Data Warehouses and other databases by showing the structure and some frequently needed content such as table row counts, distinct column counts, distinct values – without having to write and run queries

  11. Allows existing reference / help information to be displayed within the query tool as the database structure is being explored

  12. Allows two click execution of common queries against the database. Saves on typing and reduces errors. The generated queries are tailored according to the selected DBMS specific SQL dialect

  13. Allows queries in a sequence to be executed against more than one database. Results from a query on one database can be sent to a table in another database as an easy form of data movement / simple ETL

  14. Presents a modern, attractive and highly customisable user interface to allow analysts to work in their preferred style


For Data Analysts

QiD is designed for Power Users and heavy duty Data Analysts.

  • Powerful data analysis grids
  • Integrated charting and reporting
  • Multiple data sources
  • Scripting and Symbol substitution
  • Deep Metadata capabilities

Advanced Features

Powerful and fully integrated capabilites that no other single tool offers

  • Generate and run queries from results
  • Automatically profile your data
  • Integrate external help and manuals
  • Send query results to another database
  • Automate your checking

Multiple Database Support

One product for all data sources.

DB2 MS-Access Firebird
Oracle Excel MySQL
SQL Server Text PostgreSQL
Teradata VistaDB

(More to come)