Metadata on Structure and Content Print

Normally, the only metadata shown by query tools is the database structure (server, database, table/view and column). QiD not only provides this basic capability but adds extra functionality.

In addition to the database structure, you can also see the database contents. QiD displays the number of rows for each table, the number of distinct values for each column and even the actual values and number of rows with that value.


Because of this feature, you often don’t need to query the data yourself in order to understand the database contents before working on your real analysis.

Browsing Metadata

FastPath Queries

Many of the simple but frequently used queries are available with just two clicks from the metadata hierarchy. You’ll never again have to write ‘Select count(*) from table;’ or ‘Select column, count(*) From table Group by column, Order by column;’.

Metadata Selector

A powerful code-generation facility allows you to use built-in or custom-made templates to generate SQL or almost any other text from the structure and contents of the Metadata tree.

Metadata Maintenance

The collection of metadata can be tailored for each site to a level that best suits user needs. There are several ways to gather and distribute metadata to ensure that it is practical to maintain the chosen level of detail.

Matching Rules



