
Overview of Main Features PDF Print E-mail

QiD provides a broad range of integrated features to assist the Data Analyst in their work.

SQL Code Editor

Use the powerful editor with many features to improve the process of creating, viewing and modifying the SQL and Script code that will be executed.


Project Structure and Management

Organise the multiple steps for a piece of analysis into sheets within a project. Store your projects for later modificaiton and re-use. Run sequences of statements in one or more sheets to automate complex processes. Multiple projects can be open at the same time and you can easily select the project and sheet to work on.


Result Management

Queries and processes will ultimately produce result data. This data is returned to QiD for viewing and further manipulation. Multiple results are stored in a tree structure from which they can be viewed, used for further processes or exported in a variety of formats. Multiple results can be viewed side by side for comparison or to follow a line of reasoning through the course of analysis.


Result Analysis - Grids

Take raw results and analyse them in a variety of ways without the need to modify and run further SQL. Use normal, vertical and pivot grids. The same data can be viewed in different ways through the various grid types and options to best suit the analysis that is being performed. Grids provide sorting, filtering, grouping, aggregations and many other capabilities to help in data analysis.


Result Analysis - Charts

Many different style of charts can be defined in order to analyse and present the data resulting from your queries. A powerful Chart Designer can be used to create the charts and set the many options that are available. Once a chart has been defined it can be saved and later applied to new query results so long as they have the required columns. Charts can be printed and exported in a wide range of formats for dissemination.


Result Analysis - Reports

Query results can be turned into high quality reports for final presentation and distribution. Reports are defined through a designer that provides many options to control how the data is set out. Page and group headers and footers allow for titles and sub-totals. Reports can be printed or saved in a wide range of formats.


Metadata on Structure and Content

Metadata is one of the important things that makes a Data Warehouse more useful for analysis and reporting than the simple raw data that usually comes from source systems and other data sources. QiD provides extensive and unique features to make Metadata information available and useful for a variety of purposes. Explore the database structure and get to know the data without having to write a lot of repetitive SQL. Quickly generate and execute the most common types of queries or generate more complex queries from the Metadata using a general purpose code generator.


Multiple DBMS Support

QiD works with a wide selection of databases. These range from the larger commercial databases (DB2, Teradata, Oracle and SQL Server) to the most popular open source databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL and Firebird) through to the likes of MS-Access, Excel and CSV text files. The one product works with all data sources.


Execution Engine

The QiD execution engine can run anything from a single statement up to complex jobs that contain thousands of statements. Multiple concurrent queries can be run against the same or different databases. Queries run in the background so the user interface remains responsive and you can continue working while waiting for those monster queries to be completed. Full history is kept so that you can see exactly what each step did and where errors have occurred.


Script Language

A simple but powerful script language can be intermixed with SQL in order to automate and control your queries. Use the script language to adjust settings, perform condition tests and branching (even loops), control the destination of results, include blocks of standard code etc.


Symbol Substitution

Use symbols that are substituted at execution time to automate and productionise complex processes. This improves productivity and reduces the possibility of errors.


External Help Inclusion

Part of a good Data Warehouse or other Data Source will be reference information that helps with understanding what all of the data means. Often there will be a Dictionary or Glossary with descriptive information on each table and each column. QiD provides the ability to integrate such information in a wide variety of formats so that it is there to assist when it comes time to work in less familiar territory. Database and other manuals in PDF format can be presented through QiD so that you can for example have your SQL syntax reference sitting right beside the editor windows where you are writing code.


User Interface

The user interface of QiD is powerful, flexible and attractive. It allows the analyst to maximise the amount of information that can be viewed while keeping structure and clarity.


Customisation, Performance and Stability

QiD is highly customisable with many options and settings. Its performance when working with complex queries and large datasets is astonishing and it has proven to be extremely secure and stable in operation in a wide range of environments.