Welcome to Parallon Software

Welcome to the website of Parallon Software - Experts in Business Intelligence and creators of the QiD Database Query and Reporting tool.


For Data Analysts

QiD is designed for Power Users and heavy duty Data Analysts.

  • Powerful data analysis grids
  • Integrated charting and reporting
  • Multiple data sources
  • Scripting and Symbol substitution
  • Deep Metadata capabilities

Advanced Features

Powerful and fully integrated capabilites that no other single tool offers

  • Generate and run queries from results
  • Automatically profile your data
  • Integrate external help and manuals
  • Send query results to another database
  • Automate your checking

Multiple Database Support

One product for all data sources.

DB2 MS-Access Firebird
Oracle Excel MySQL
SQL Server Text PostgreSQL
Teradata VistaDB

(More to come)